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Government Jobs a secure and desired career in India

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Government jobs played a vital and important role to get India out of recession. Government jobs are most desirable jobs by youngster jobseekers of India because they want to make their career in government sectors because these are one of the growing sectors in the fields of job. From the day the salaries of government employees increased by the recommendation of Sixth Pay Commission these jobs have fallen into the category of hot pursuits jobs in India and why not they deserve to be because of its secure career.

To be eligible for getting a job in the central government candidate is required to crack combined competitive exam conducted which is used to be conducted by the biggest recruitment agency Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). For the awareness purposes commission also uses the medium of employment news and its official website for advertising its latest and various vacancies. UPSC conducts recruitment process with the interest of filling posts in the Indian Administrative Services, Foreign Services & Police Services and other fields like Medicine, Engineering, Geology, Forest, Economics, Armed Forces, Railways, Revenue & Customs, Defense and Audit & Accounts etc. IAS, IPS and IFS professions are well known and desired job professions among job seekers because it can take an individual all around India and the world.

Various ministers and other government organizations also recruit candidates for various posts but recruitment is done on other basis and mechanisms. Basically job in parliament is also considered a good job profession so it can be a good option for those who are looking for government job opportunities and the recruitment in Parliament is done through an examination conducted by the law making body itself.

Besides parliament jobs State services can also be considered as a good profession which can be applied through the State Public Commissions. State government openings are available in various fields like administrative, police, revenue and other sectors. There is negative point of state government jobs also exists that services are contract based.

Banking is also a sector which known for its most desirable job profession in India. This profession is blessed with honorable profession and smart salary which provides an employee satisfaction. Bank sector is offers jobs in various departments like bank clerks, Probationary Officers, Technicians and others. So there is lots of opportunities are present for the job seekers and these jobs are getting provided by State Bank of India, Central Bank of India, Bank of Allahabad, Bank of Baroda, Indian Overseas Bank and others. In this profession there are also chances of growth. Banks used to advertise their latest vacancies through various mediums like news papers and their websites.

Like other sectors teaching sector in government jobs is also very popular and demanding among youngsters especially women in India because of its beneficial working hours, holidays and respected salary. In the teaching sectors there are two different options comes forward either teaching in the school or in college. For being eligible to work in government school one must be a graduate degree holder from a recognized university or college, essentially B Ed. On the other hand to be eligible for teaching in government college candidate must be a post graduate degree holder and also must have qualification of NET conducted by the UGC.

Making a career in government sector will always be considered as a good selection.


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