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Do and Don'ts for Best Exam Results

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Examination a very much familiar word for a student and sometimes this little word is enough to make them afraid too. The reason behind is they actually don’t know how to tackle the situation and get prepared for it. Securing good exam scores is not that much difficult task, it all resides on the way of our preparation for the examination. Basically having good exam Results is very easy if one takes following do's and don'ts in consideration.

Do’s :
Do’s 1: Start Studying Few Days before Exam
Students must complete their preparation two days before exam. And a day before exam you will feel light just go through important headings, topic names and themes only.

Do’s 2: Have A Good Sleep
After preparation have a good and nice sleep of 7- 8 hours which will help your mind and body to have plenty of rest.

Do’s 3: Relax Body and Mind
Relaxation of mind and body will always add a plus point before exam. Wake up early in the morning and do bit of yoga or exercise and vitalize your body. Yoga and exercise will pump more oxygen in your brain which important to keep your brain in calm state.

Do’s 4: Eat Well
In the morning before exam have a balanced diet, don’t skip it. Having a good diet full of protein and vitamins this will enhance your power of concentration and efficiency.

Do’s 5: Positive Thinking 
Always have positive thoughts in your mind. Negative thoughts can lead you to bad examination performance.

Do’s 6: Review
Have a review of what you have prepared, having a review will help you to remember what you have learned ever after the exam.

Do’s 7: Deep Breathe
Take some deep Breathe before exam starts and relax your body, which will help you remember things easily.

Don’t 1: Study before the Exam Day
The main mistake that lots of students do is they open their books just a day before exam. This is the biggest mistake they do and this gives them tension, headache and incomplete preparation and this leads them to less scores in exam sometime even gets them less than passing marks.

Don’t 2: Study at Night
Another and very opposite mistake that students perform is they study the whole night before exam. Mistake they used to do here is making their body exhausted and tired before exam which totally leads them to poor exam scores.

Don’t 3: Lack of Confidence
Some students are not confident enough on the preparation done by them for exam. Even after doing whole exam preparation they starts to having second thoughts of cheating, another opposite action they perform from having good marks.

Don’t 4: Excess Reading
This mistake can be seen in lots of students. They never gets enough, even after reading a topic 10 times before they are still afraid of for getting it in the examination hall. Here in this problem their mind is not focused and relaxed that is why so.

Don’t 5: looking at others in Exam Hall
Lots of students always find them curious about what others are doing in the exam room which leads them to incomplete exam paper because of shortage of time. Rather than looking towards other’s activities one must focus only and only on his/her own exam sheet.

Key to Have Good Marks:
Never get afraid of examination otherwise you won’t be able to crack it. Always assume it as a platform where you can prove yourself. - BEST of LUCK for your coming EXAMS!


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